where we wore significantly more layers. We recently made the move back to the West Coast and are thrilled to be home! Besides photography, my loves include my dog/son Benny (I’m definitely a crazy dog lady) our new kitten Fettuccini and sushi. Oh, and if there’s ever a photo booth around, you can probably find me in it!
I am a wedding and portrait photographer based out of Santa Barbara, CA but travel all over the world to document authentic love stories. I grew up in Santa Cruz, California, in a large family. As soon as I graduated from high school, I headed down to Santa Barbara to attend the Brooks Institute of Photography. Then I followed my chef husband Cosmo to Chicago, where we wore significantly more layers. We recently made the move back to the West Coast and are thrilled to be home! Besides photography, my loves include my dog/son Benny (I’m definitely a crazy dog lady) our new kitten Fettuccini and sushi. Oh, and if there’s ever a photo booth around, you can probably find me in it!
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